Edison Lee is not your average ten year old . His obsession with politics and the ironies of life are reflected in his many inventions and his often pointed interactions with members of the establishment.

Don Lee is Edison’s father. While Don is extremely proud of his son’s unusual gift, he’s often perplexed by his musings. Don works hard to instill in Edison his same hardworking, middle class American values.

Carol Lee, an educator, is Edison’s mother. She’s the politically correct member of the family and the juggler of the family’s day to day needs.

Orville Lee is Edison’s paternal grandfather. After a full day of fussing over his medications or complaining about his latest doctors visit, Orville likes to unwind in front of the television watching game show reruns.

Joules is Edison’s delightfully naive laboratory assistant, aka lab rat. His only knowledge of the outside world is filtered through Edison’s socio-political perspective.